So, my husband and I have used this blog for many things:

  1. posts about film
  2. posts about ORU
  3. posts about food (mostly paleo / primal)
  4. posts about fitness (ie my brief love affair with long distance running)
But now I’m going to commandeer the blog for the next six months to blog exclusively about…

My pregnancy!!

As of yesterday, I’m 14 weeks pregnant.

But this is a unique pregnancy blog. For a unique kind of woman.
Most of you know that I’ve been eating mostly primal / paleo for about 2 and a half years now. Well, to add to that, my husband and I joined a Crossfit gym in February of this year and we love it! Finally, I’m planning a home-birth with a midwife.

So for the next six months, this blog will be focused on paleo, primal, pregnant crossfitting moms who are planning natural births! I will upload all my workouts that I’ve done since I first found out that I’m pregnant and I will outline the symptoms that I’ve been feeling each week. I may talk a little about supplements I’m taking and other choices that I’ll have to make (vaccines, cribs, co-sleepers, cloth or disposable diapers). But mostly, it’ll be about being a paleo, pregnant crossfitter.

I hope you enjoy!

7 Responses to I’M PREGNANT!

  1. […] A Major Motion PictureThe movie will be 18 years long and you won’t be allowed to sleep through it. Image source: Club Fritch […]

  2. kellywills says:

    Hi there,

    I love the movie title! It’s a great idea! How did you put this together, any specific program? (I have a Mac)



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